Saturday, September 24

Ambulance service busy, before and after

Acadian Ambulance handled about 900 patients because of Hurricane Katrina -- and those were only the ones before the storm hit.

One Rita started roaring, there were calls on hold from when conditions weren't favorable to respond.

When people call for help during a hurricane and immediately afterward, "some we can get to and some we can't," Acadian's Keith Simon said.

The work continues today. "We've been busy since the winds died down, but we've been dealing with downed lines and trees that will leave some streets inaccessible," Acadian's Lane Owers said.

The calls to Acadian have included people with cuts and scrapes from debris, a couple who were rescued from a roof cave-in that left them more scared than injured, and "a lot of car wrecks." They handled wrecks in Oak Park, MLK Highway, Moss Bluff and downtown.

"I want to complement all responders," Owers said. "We've come together as a team. We can serve this city."

Dennis Spears
Night Editor

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